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Today, I am sitting in Italy typing my blog, embarking on a wine journey because of something I read a year ago. It was Matt Kramer’s Wine Spectator column, Are you Afraid of Italian Wines? A shocking confession: Even the experts find the country’s wines daunting.  Why I’m here is because I agree.

The columns focus is around he and a fellow wine writer talking shop.  When the conversation leads to a very blunt and truthful statement by his friend and an agreement by most of the wine drinkers in the world including myself.  “ I’m afraid of Italian wines.  It’s not that I don’t’ like them,” he said.  “It’s just that they’re so damned complicated.  When I first started with wine, everybody told me how difficult Burgundy is how mastering Burgundy could be a life’s work.  I’ll tell you one thing: Burgundy is a breeze compared to Italian wines. “  He continued with, “Italian wines seem chaotic. I hate it when I get handed the wine list in an Italian resturant, I’m supposed to know all this stuff about wine, but it’s any kind of extensive Italian wine list I’m lost. . I’m clueless.  That’s why I’m afraid of Italian wines.”

So, thus sets out my journey in Italy to better grasp just one region at a time.  I will begin this chaos deciphering in Chianti and will offer cliff notes along the way.